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According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were more than 76,000 snow skiing-related injuries treated in hospitals, doctor's offices, and emergency rooms in 2018. There were an additional 53,000 injuries associated with snowboarding.

Common Ski Injuries

A wide range of injuries occur in snow skiing. Knee injuries are very common, particularly injuries of the anterior cruciate ligament. Because skiers frequently put their arms out to break a fall, shoulder injuries — such as dislocations and sprains — often occur. Fractures around the shoulder and lower leg are common. Skiers who fall on an outstretched hand while holding a ski pole can get a "skier's thumb." Head injuries also occur in skiing, and can be especially serious.

Several strategies can help prevent ski injuries, such as having the appropriate equipment and choosing ski runs that match your ability level. Taking ski lessons is especially important for new skiers. Learning how to fall correctly and safely can reduce the risk of injury. Even experienced skiers can improve by taking a lesson.

Avoid injury by wearing appropriate gear and making sure that you are physically ready for the slopes.
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