Payment Option

NB: The name and student number must be clearly indicated on the slip as the “reference”. A copy of the deposit slip should be forwarded to the Finance Department, either by faxing to (016) 950 9106, or submitting a copy of the deposit slip in person during registrations.

Credit card

We are able to process card payments in single payment and budget facilities. Credit card details can be submitted in writing to fax number (016) 950 9106

Please quote the following:

Credit card details (Card number, CVC number (last 3 digits on card), Payment option (budget or straight), Amount to be paid, Expiry date of the card)

Cheque payment

(Only bank guaranteed cheques are accepted)

Cheques can be deposited directly into our bank account – refer to “direct deposits”.
Cheques can also be posted to:
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021

Please Note: A fine of R150.00 will be charged for any cheque that is unpaid (RD)

Direct payment to Cashiers at Administration Building

Please make cheque payable to the Vaal University of Technology and the student number must be indicated at the back of the cheque.
All cheques must be bank guaranteed or will not be accepted for payment.
Please note: No alterations on cheques or postal orders will be accepted in terms of current bank regulations.