1. On receipt of Application through online for new Water Supply Connection from the beneficiary (Industrial / Commercial organisations), the same will be assigned to the concerned field Division for inspection and furnishing the feasibility report. No new Water Supply connection will be given directly from the Transmission main, to be given from the nearest sump of the Combined Water Supply Scheme. The Procedure to be adopted for giving new water supply connection are specified by TWAD Board in B.P.Ms.no.80/dt 15.09.2010.The salient details are as follows.

2. If the work is technically Feasible, the Chief Engineer/TWAD will submit the feasibility report to TWAD Head Office along with the consent letter of the beneficiary for agreeing to the following terms – conditions.

3. The feasibility repot as received from the Chief Engineer ,after scrutiny in Head office will be placed before the Board. The Board is the only authority for according approval to the new water supply connections.

On approval of the Water Supply connection and after collection of Infrastructure cost, caution Deposit and advance water Charges, the work will be executed by TWAD Division and Connection will be effected.

D. If the result is "NO", New Project has to be formulated and 'Procedures for formulation of New Project' will be followed.

Procedures for formulation of New Project

Table 1. Guidelines for collection of investigation charges in force in TWAD BP Ms. No.49 Dated:27.07.2018

S.No. Category Investigation Charges
Upfront Deposit Amount To be collected finally after DPR preparation
1 GOI/State Government Organizations and Undertakings. For Water Supply Demand of upto 1 MLD – Rs.7 lakhs. For every additional demand of 1 MLD or part thereof – Rs.1 lakh is to be additionally collected. Upfront Deposit Amount (or) 2% of DPR cost – whichever is higher.
2 Private Industries/ Institutions/ Organizations For Water Supply Demand of upto 1 MLD – Rs.15 lakhs. For every additional demand of 1 MLD or part thereof – Rs.1 lakh is to be additionally collected. Upfront Deposit Amount (or) 2.5% of DPR cost – whichever is higher.

Table.2 Power delegation in force, for sanction of Deposit Works.

S.No. Authority/ Officer Powers to accord Administrative Approval
1 Executive Engineer Rs.10.00 Lakhs
2 Superintending Engineer Above Rs.10.00 Lakhs & upto Rs.30.00 Lakhs
3 Chief Engineer Above Rs.30.00 Lakhs & upto Rs.50.00 Lakhs
4 Managing Director Above Rs.50.00 Lakhs and upto Rs.1.00 Crore
5 Board Full powers(G.O.MS No.776 RD&LA Dated.03.05.1977)