Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC)

All departing OFWs, whether new hires or Balik Manggagawa are required to secure an Overseas Employment Certificates (OECs) which shall serve as exit clearance and as exemption from payment of travel tax and airport terminal fee.

Workers-on-Leave or Balik Manggagawa may secure their OECs either at the POLO before leaving the worksite country or at the POEA and other authorized OEC processing sites in the Philippines before departure.


For information on how to process your Balik Manggagawa OEC Application or update your e-registration records, you may visit the following FAQ page from the official website of the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) (https://dmw.gov.ph/faqs).

DMW also offers other online services for migrant workers, please visit their online services portal at this link: https://dmw.gov.ph/onlineservices



Luisenstrasse 16, 10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 864 95 00

Assistance to Nationals (ATN) / Emergency Hotline: +49 (0) 173 421 7750
(Please help us keep the line free for those with real emergencies. Do not call this number for regular inquiries.)

Consular Hotline: +49 (0) 173 521 5703 (For queries on Consular Services)

Opening Hours
Consular Section
Mon – Fri – Fri 09:00H – 16:00H
(Except on Philippine and German holidays)

Philippine Migrant Workers Office (MWO)

For OEC and Verification of Employment Contracts of Balik-Manggagawa in Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, and Russia:

Mobile/Viber No.: +49 1766 151 2953

Email: mwo.germanyoec@gmail.com

For accreditation of Agency and Direct Hires in Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, and Russia:

email: germany@mwoberlin.com

For OWWA membership, welfare, and labor case assistance:

WhatsApp No. +49 1523 765 7614

Email: owwamemb@gmail.com

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